The Art of Being Still: Mindfulness and Young People is the second annual conference organised by the Sanctuary meditation centre. It’s now sold out. Conference attendees will include health professionals, teachers, parents and youths. Topics will include the practice of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, body scans and observation skills, and how these can impact young lives. Niamh Bruce and Bro Richard Hendrick, who work with young people on the Sanctuary’s The Art of Stillness in the Classroom, The Warrior Journey and The Wisdom Journey, will speak at the conference. Susan Bögels will also speak. She’s the professor of developmental psychopathology at the University of Amsterdam. Bögels has taught mindfulness to young people with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She also teaches the practices of mindfulness to groups of teenagers and 8-12 year olds and their parents. For more on the conference, click here or read the article on 05/19/11