How To Get Rid of Dandruff: Tips to Know
1. Wash your hair with a dandruff-fighting shampoo.
For many, coming across dandruff is a sign of dirty hair and any shampoo will fix it. This is a myth, dandruff doesn’t mean your hair is dirty and your problem won’t be solved with just any shampoo on the market. “Shampoos that are optimized for fighting dandruff include approved dandruff actives Zinc, Pyrithione, Selenium Sulfide, salicylic acid, and tar,” Leon stated. To combat your flaky issue, use a shampoo like Dove Men+Care Anti-Dandruff Fortifying Shampoo + Conditioner, which is developed with Pyrithione Zinc to fight dandruff and help eliminate flakes. Bonus: The 2-in-1 also strengthens hair and improves overall scalp health. Learning how to get rid of dandruff may lead to a happier you!
2. Cleanse your hair at least once a week.
Yes, coating your hair with loads of pomade, gel and hair wax can give you some of the sleekest hairstyles, like our favorite comb-over look. But, the flakes that sit on top of your hair may be a result of product buildup. Oftentimes product buildup can be mistaken for dandruff. If you don’t thoroughly cleanse your hair at least once a week before restyling, eventually the residue creates flakes that resemble dandruff. For a deep cleanse in-between styling use some of the Dove Men+Care Fresh & Clean Fortifying Shampoo + Conditioner.
3. Evaluate your hair products.
Everyone has a different reaction to products. If you think your flaky scalp occurs because of your styling or hair care products, try a patch test. Apply the product to one area of your hair and observe if your scalp begins to flake or produce dandruff in that section. The right products play a key role in figuring out how to get rid of dandruff.
4. Ask a dermatologist.
If you’ve tried numerous methods, and nothing seems to work opt for scheduling an appointment with your dermatologist. Dandruff is often confused with ailments like seborrheic dermatitis. Consult your physician if you feel your condition is much more than dandruff.
5. Add a conditioner and a leave-in conditioner into your hair care routine.
Most guys find conditioners and leave-in conditioners useless, which is also one of the reasons they often overlook 2-in-1 shampoos when shopping for hair and scalp cleansing products. That is until they learn the benefits conditioning products can have when trying to get rid of dandruff. Conditioners help to condition hair and to nourish the scalp. If you’re prone to dry scalp or looking for ways to care for your flaky issue, opt for using conditioning products. Your scalp will thank you later!