The team at Milano Collection is no stranger to the challenges of hair loss. The brand has been offering alternative hair options since 2003 and aids women in finding their perfect head of hair. It doesn’t matter if they wear a wig for religious reasons, due to illnesses and medications, or simply because they’re seeking some extra volume in their existing hair. Milano Collection has a solution for everyone.
Hair Loss in Women is On the Rise
“There are many factors that can cause hair loss and the most efficient method to determine the cause is to visit your dermatologist,” Judy Geisinsky, CEO and Creative Director of Milano Collection, suggests. “There are also many treatments available to help with hair loss. We promote wearing alternative hair regardless of the treatment recommended so during the journey you can look and feel your best with confidence.”
Alternative Hair is a Confidence Booster
“Having a full head of hair when you previously suffered from hair loss is an almost indescribable feeling,” Geisinsky says. “As women, our hair is so personal – that’s why the expression “having a bad hair day” was coined. When you don’t feel good about your hair, it can affect your mood and many other aspects of your life. “We see many women that won’t leave their homes and are miserable due to their hair challenges. Having beautiful hair brings back confidence and positively impacts their quality of life – something we constantly hear about and experience with our clients.”
How to Combat Hair Loss in Women
When it comes to creating a treatment plan for hair loss in women, Geisinsky recommends conferring with a medical professional. That way, you can explore all of the different hair loss treatment options out there. She does note, however, that medical treatments often take time to see results and are not a quick fix. “Hair loss can also be extremely stressful, and the stress can even make the hair loss worse,” Geisinsky says. “If there was one message I would convey it would be to restore your confidence by wearing beautiful alternative hair while you’re exploring the medical alternatives. We offer so many undetectable options and in today’s culture, it is not taboo to wear alternative hair. Wigs and toppers are the new extensions and are worn by many celebrities and influencers.”
Hair Loss is More Common Than You Think
Geisinsky notes that she sees many women and children experiencing hair loss who are under the impression that they are one of the few people who are dealing with this challenge. “There is a multitude of girls and women experiencing hair loss and it helps tremendously when you can connect and engage with the large community of individuals experiencing the same emotion and circumstances that you are. “Hair loss challenges are only growing but the alternatives are getting better and better now that it has mainstreamed into the general population. Gone are the days when it is taboo or frowned upon. It’s time to wear your crown in confidence!”
Hair Loss in Women Explained
Hair loss in women can often be a somewhat complicated and sensitive subject. Like many hair complications, hair loss in women can be caused by a number of factors. It’s incredibly important to pin down exactly what’s causing your hair to thin out. You might be asking yourself: How much hair loss is normal? How does female hair loss differ from male hair loss? Should I be worried about the possibility of female pattern baldness? We spoke to Jazzi Ziegler, Brooklyn-based hairstylist and color specialist, and asked her best advice for dealing with women’s hair loss:
What are some of the complications related to hair loss women deal with?
Hair loss is very complicated because it can stem from a number of causes. It can be a genetic issue, a disease, changes in hormones, a side effect of taking certain medications, or as a result of high amounts of stress. Alternatively, hair growth does go through different cycles and you may just be experiencing a non-active stage of hair growth: your hair might be in a shedding phase to make room for new hair to grow. It isn’t always easy to pinpoint what the cause or solution is. I would always suggest going to a dermatologist for a diagnosis and never self diagnose in case it is a medical issue.
How common are women’s hair loss challenges?
Hair loss for women is actually a very common issue and it can start at any age. Up to 40% of women suffer from hair loss.
What would you recommend for women who are experiencing hair loss?
It depends on the situation. Some women are causing unknown harm to their strands by using a boar bristle brush that can pull too hard on the hair. I would recommend a wet brush as it is more gentle on tough tangles. Vitamins are also always a good idea as they can help with hair regrowth. It’s also important to increase blood circulation in your scalp. You can use your fingers to massage the scalp for a minute every day. You can even do it twice a day if you’re committed! It’s important to remember that nothing can really guarantee hair growth. If you’re dealing with a medical diagnosis then you should definitely consult your doctor.
Are there any products that will help with hair loss?
While there aren’t products that will guarantee hair regrowth, you may want to consider changing your shampoo and conditioner to a thickening option that will help you fake fuller hair. The right products will give the appearance of fuller hair even when you’re dealing with your hair falling out. Women especially can benefit from products that give the appearance of fuller hair to help give you your confidence back. Editor’s note: We recommend using a duo like Suave Up The Volume Shampoo and Conditioner to add some volume back into your strands. We would like to thank Judy Geisinsky and Jazzi Ziegler for sharing their tips for dealing with hair loss.