In honor of International Women’s Day 2022 and this year’s #BreaktheBias theme, we spoke to Dre Brown, self-empowerment speaker and Dove Self-Esteem Educator about her own self-love practices and how women everywhere can continue to break the bias.
Self-Love and IWD 2022
The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is #BreaktheBias. It urges people to imagine a world free of bias, discrimination, and stereotypes. It’s no surprise that the absence of self-love can often be attributed to discriminatory messages women receive from a young age. Cultivating a sense of self-love while fighting discrimination is no easy task.
The Effects of Hair Discrimination
In a poll conducted by All Things Hair, we learned that 67% of the 200 women polled experienced some kind of hair-related discrimination in their lifetime so far. “Unfortunately, in my life and career, I have encountered biases associated with my gender, race, appearance, and culture,” Brown shares. “In some cases, the micro-aggressions were powerful enough to influence how I chose to look and behave; all the while, challenging my self-esteem. I am grateful to have acquired the self-love and confidence since then to help me when faced again with these types of discrimination.” Self-love is certainly a strong antidote to these harmful discriminatory messages and can help enable women to confidently be themselves. “In challenging biases, my best advice to women everywhere is to be your own best example of an advocate. Do something daily to show up unapologetically authentic, confident, and strong,” Brown suggests. “Big or small, creating habits that affirm one’s own beauty, capability, and individuality may help reinforce bias-breaking beliefs. When we champion our own uniqueness and amplify the sound of our own truths in the face of stereotypes, we can help promote images and experiences that help outweigh those in our communities which drive bias and don’t support inclusivity.” Brown sees International Women’s Day as a dedicated opportunity to pause and give reverence to the magic created across the global community of women. “It is a day to honor our unique interests, needs, gifts, and power,” Brown says.
Breaking the Bias
In a poll conducted by All Things Hair, we learned that women feel that more representation, inclusivity, ethnic diversity, and visibility would help break the bias. Brown agrees and believes we can globally help to end discrimination by dismantling systemically racist and sexist social and economic constructs that disenfranchise minorities and drive gender disparities. “Meanwhile, I feel creating dialogues and safe spaces where universal human needs for self-esteem, provision, community, and safety are explored across cultural and gender lines can help to drive understanding and acceptance,” Brown shares.
Self-Care = Self-Love
Brown shares that self-care is a huge contributor to her overall wellness and self-esteem and enables her to continue appreciating her own unique attributes. “Whether I am prioritizing protecting and nourishing my natural hair, taking moments for intentional mindfulness, or indulging in a therapeutic skin routine, I am making filling my physical and emotional “cups” a non-negotiable part of my life.” Finding a self-love practice that’s meaningful to you can take time, and it might not look the same as the ones you see curated on the ‘gram. By taking the time to honor yourself and your unique traits, you can create a lasting and impactful self-love routine. All Things Hair would like to thank Dre Brown for taking the time to share her self-love philosophies.