DIY Hair Care for the Weekend
1. Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub
Are you suffering from a seasonal dry and flaky scalp? In addition to using a hair care system like the Dove DermaCare range to remedy your scalp, you can also treat it to a DIY treatment. According to Dr. Francesa Fusco, you can use brown sugar to exfoliate your scalp. Create your own paste using your conditioner. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar into a cup of conditioner and then massage into your scalp. Be gentle while exfoliating as you don’t want to cause any damage to your skin. Rinse well with warm water (which will also melt the sugar), then follow up with a shampoo.
2. Honey Hair Mask
We have an obsession with using honey in our hair. Honey is great to try dry hair conditions. According to Unilever’s Senior Hair Manager, Leon Van-Gorkam, “Since honey has a lot of sugars, you can look at it as a molecule that attracts water and therefore, absorbs water in the hair.” If this weather is sucking the moisture out of your hair, you can mix water, honey, and coconut oil together to create an at-home hair mask. Leave this concoction on for a few minutes and rinse well to remove. Begin washing with a moisturizing shampoo like Dove Care Protect Purify & Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner.
3. Steam Conditioning
Don’t have a hair steamer at home for deep conditioning? We have a hair hack for you. According to Bailey Pope, In-house Consulting Stylist and Creative Director TIGI Salon Unilever North America, one of the best ways to steam your hair is in the shower. Apply your conditioner and allow the steam from your shower to give your hair a steam treatment and cover your hair with a shower cap to trap the moisture in. You can do this with any conditioner of your choice. The heat from the steam opens up the hair cuticle allowing the conditioner to penetrate your strands. These three DIY hair care treatments are ideal for a weekend of pampering!