Keep reading to learn more about Rachelle’s style, inspiration, and of course, her hair care routine.
Rachelle Yadegar of Not Without My Heels
All Things Hair: What does your usual hair care routine look like? Rachelle Yadegar: I typically shower my hair two to three times a week. My hair is short and curly so it takes forever to style. Dry shampoo is my best friend! All Things Hair: Has your hair always been short? What has your hair journey been like? Rachelle Yadegar: No, but I love it short. Believe it or not, I had a long weave way back then. All Things Hair: Where do you find your fashion and beauty inspiration? Rachelle Yadegar: Honestly, Instagram is filled with so much inspiration. Researching on fashion websites—they’re always up to date—and even from watching my favorite TV shows. You learn so much! All Things Hair: What’s your top hair secret? Rachelle Yadegar: Dirty hair is your best hair! Also, if you have dark hair, a henna mask every so often does wonders! All Things Hair: What’s one trend you have always wanted to try? Rachelle Yadegar: Secretly, I’ve always wanted pink hair. It’s so cool and playful! Looking for even more hair interviews? Check out our interview with Ursula Goff: Queen of Rainbow Hair Colors.