The first thing that comes to my mind is soft lighting! Candles are a totally romantic choice. There’s just something about the dancing flames… If you’re like me and don’t like the thought of half-melted candles in your room decor, consider the little tea lights. You can get a ton of them for $5, and they’re basically disposable. Easy. YAY! Another idea is to drape a strand of little Christmas lights around the perimeter of the room or across your headboard. Red especially! It gives the room a soft and romantic glow. Or if you can get your hands on something totally cute like this… perfect! Once your hubby sees lights up in the room, the secret code is immediately deciphered… you + me = tonight 2. Music ~ Your Way Whether it’s soft country, a mixed CD of the love songs you like best, or more of a relaxing “spa sounds” that create the ambiance you’re going for…one thing is certain – music definitely changes the atmosphere of a room!

  1. Light Appealing Scents Candles can totally do “double duty” in this department – smell lovely along with mood lighting. This can be a negative thing if overdone though, so remember a little goes a long way! Pay attention if your hubby notices a certain smell he loves on you. Wear that perfume mostly in the bedroom (so it’s not an everyday smell) and he’ll smile the next time he gets a whiff.

  1. Surroundings POP QUIZ! Take a look at the following rooms… which would you choose and why? COLOR can make a huge difference in the energy of your room! What says YOU? Calm, relaxing toned blue? A vibrant lively color? Maybe the beautiful clean feeling of white? Paint is fairly cheap and will last a long time… make a splash of color on your love life!

  1. Clean House

  1. Love Your Sheets

  1. Specific Visuals Yes! Of course, YOU are the main visual! You are the centerpiece, baby! Lingerie may be the obvious choice for the greatest appeal (and I love it!) but don’t underestimate the power of just wearing one of his dress shirts partially unbuttoned or your bathrobe over your little beautiful self! This usually goes without saying, but since we’re being candid…SHOWER! Not only should you look amazing with your sexy lingerie ON….but you should be clean and yummy smelling. (He should too!) Make sure the legs and underarms (and any other areas…) are shaved. Look AND FEEL fabulous! And as I’ve mentioned before… if you have a pair of these, that won’t hurt either!
  2. Say It On The Wall Ultimately, any diva wants her bedroom to feel totally different than any other room in the house, right? One more way to invite the LOVE factor into your bedroom is to throw in some all-about-love vinyl lettering! Seriously? You have always wanted to get a few things to put up, but just haven’t yet? Try it and you’ll love ’em! They definitely devote the room to “US”. One of my favorite vinyl sayings a friend of mine has up is “My husband is HOT!” So cute! My favorite place to find fantastic ideas for lovin’ vinyl is at! They have something for everyone and a ‘dahling’ variety of warm fuzzy love quotes!

  1. Own It

  1. Throw That TV Out The Window

  1. Eliminate Distractions Make sure the kids are down, phones are off the hook, cell phones are turned off, and the PETS are outta the room! Nothing like a romance-killer than fighting kidlets, a slobbery KISS from your puppy, or a text coming through on your phone! GO GET ‘IM, YOU DIVA, YOU!

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